Supporting social infrastructure

KPO implements social and infrastructure projects in the West Qazaqstan Oblast (WQO) on the annual basis under the terms of Annex 5 to the Final Production Sharing Agreement.

The list of social projects to be implemented is annually approved between KPO and the WQO Akimat based on the priorities of the Oblast’s social development. The list is compiled by the WQO Akimat in accordance with state priorities and programmes and considering the needs of developing West Qazaqstan Oblast infrastructure, education and healthcare systems, sports and infrastructure in the region.

Further on, the list is established by the Joint Operating Committee. From here KPO manage projects, including procurement processes, until the facilities are fully ready and then handed over to the balance sheet of the Republic of Qazaqstan. In case of failure to complete implementation of the projects by the end of the year as scheduled, the unspent funds are carried over the next calendar year. All social projects are to be implemented by local companies.

Within 2022, KPO has been implementing seven social and infrastructure projects in the West Qazaqstan Oblast, including the new 2022 projects and those carried forward from previous periods.

Thus, in 2022, KPO completed the major social project implementation on the reconstruction of the International Airport in Uralsk, aimed at improving air traffic conditions and increasing air and passenger flow in the region. In addition, in order to create comfortable conditions for city residents, new micro-districts’ vertical layout and landscaping projects including street lighting were completed in Uralsk. All these projects were executed by local construction companies.

In addition, a number of social infrastructure projects implementation started in 2022, including Sports and Health Centre construction for 160 spectators in Taipak village of Akzhaiksky district, the ‘Khan Ordasy’ visit center construction, school construction for 108 pupils in Poima village of Terektinsky district, Sports and Health Centre construction completion for 320 spectators in Chapayevo village of Akzhaikskiy district. Moreover, in 2022, in order to improve the regional education quality and ensure educational programs development, KPO awarded contracts for the construction of 14 small-scale schools for 108 and 60 students in the regional districts.

In November 2022, KPO has received “PARYZ – 2022” Award in the nomination “The Best social project of the year” for the implementation of the Multifunctional Palace of Culture in Uralsk that was built as part of the Company's programme for social infrastructure development of the region. The event was attended by national and local authorities, representatives of business community of WQO. The construction of the Multifunctional Palace of Culture was completed within two years. KPO total investment into the project exceeded $24 million. The main contractor for this social project was Uralsk-based Altair LLP company.

In December 2022, a contract was awarded for provision of design works for former Berezovka and Bestau villages demolition project.

The list of completed projects in 2022 is shown in table 48.

Таб. 48. Социально-инфраструктурные проекты в г. Уральск, завершенные КПО в 2022 г.


Project name

Actual costs
(mln KZT) *

Actual costs
(mln USD) *

Civil construction

Reconstruction of Uralsk International Airport



Vertical layout and landscaping of microdistricts Uralsk-Atyrau, Uralsk-Saratov, Zachagansk village, Uralsk, WQO (street lighting)



Vertical layout and landscaping of microdistricts Uralsk-Atyrau, Uralsk-Saratov, Zachagansk village, Uralsk, WQO (landscaping)







* Суммы указаны с учетом НДС