The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan visits Karachaganak

AKSAI, West Kazakhstan Oblast, 28 April, 2016 - Kanat Bozumbayev, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Altai Kulginov, Akim of West Kazakhstan Oblast and   Kenzhebek Ibrashev, PSA General Director,  visited the Karachaganak field and held a working meeting with top management of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO).   

During their visit the high-ranking officials were acquainted with the Karachaganak project development and operational and social activities of KPO.

As KPO General Director, Renato Maroli noted in his speech, “the success of Karachaganak has become possible due to strong collaborative partnerships between the Republic of Kazakhstan, local community and Karachaganak Partners”.

“As of to date, the KPO partners have invested more than $20 billion dollars into development of the field and have applied industry leading hydrocarbon technology to one of the world’s most complex reservoirs ”, Renato Maroli added.

The head of the Industry went on a familiarisation tour of one of the key production facilities - Karachaganak Processing Complex (KPC).

At the end of the visit, the Minister appreciated  KPO’s  efforts achievements and wished the Venture’s team further success.

In Aksai, Kanat Bozumbayev and all accompanying guests were informed about the progress of construction of a new boiler-house. Its start-up in 2017 will enable continuous heat supply to microregions 4 and 5. Afterwards, the top officials also visited the central district hospital which had recently re-opened following major repairs. Both projects have been financed by KPO in frames of its FPSA social obligations.

As of today, KPO has invested more than $300 million into the social infrastructure development in the region. For this purpose, KPO annually allocates $20 million. In addition, $10 million per annum were allocated for implementation of a number of similar projects in Burlin district of WKO during 2014-2016.

Later in the day, Kanat Bozumbayev together with the regional leaders held a meeting on the increase of the local content for procurement of goods, works and services.

The meeting was attended by CEOs of major international oil and gas projects (KPO, TCO, NCOC), the Union of Oilfield Service Companies of Kazakhstan and representatives of local and overseas oilfield service and engineering companies which cover the needs of the Republican oil and gas industry.


For more information please contact:

Sergei Pushkarev: <link>

Gulnara Sharibayeva: <link>

KPO Corporate Affairs Department