KPO receives prestigious PARYZ award for achievements in social partnership

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, 2 December 2009 - Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) received the prestigious Bronze ‘Paryz’ Award in ‘The Best Collective Agreement’ category at the official ceremony held at the Astana Congress Hall on 2 December.

Commenting on receiving the award KPO General Director, Giuseppe Pasi, said: “Karachaganak is committed to be a responsible corporate citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by making its contribution into the implementation of the sustainable development tasks set by the country. In particular, we want to be an employer of choice for the talented people, by offering fair treatment, professional development and attention to their needs as individuals. This award is also the result of a solid relationship with the trade unions, which I would like to acknowledge and thank today for their work across the year.”

“We are also particularly proud of seeing our work recognised and awarded by the Minister of Labour and Social Protection, confirming our partnership with the Government in ensuring that the development of Karachaganak’s resources provides sustainable socio-economic advantages for the country as a whole”.

The Paryz Award is assigned annually to the companies demonstrating commitment to their social responsibility. In particular, the Best Collective Agreement category awards collective agreements that are significantly improving and strengthening labour and social rights of the employees in accordance with the RoK legislation.

The jury of the Contest has taken into account the main provisions of the KPO Collective Agreement including a 30-days paid work leave, paid leave to distance learning students, vouchers for sanatorium treatment for KPO employees and members of their families, free transport from home to work place and back, free meal at work, medical insurance and treatment to KPO employees and members of their families, bonuses and other benefits.

Still in the sphere of corporate responsibility and commitment to its employees, KPO has recently got approved by the RoK Authority KazMunaigas its next ten year nationalisation programme.

Currently, already 55 per cent of all managerial positions and 88 per cent of professional and supervisor positions are held by Kazakhstani citizens. With the new Programme, KPO committed itself to achieve 70 per cent and 95 per cent respectively in the two categories by 2018.

Other than in the employee relations sphere, KPO is contributing to the sustainable development commitments of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a number of domains, like the enhancement of safety, the protection of the environment, the use of best available technologies, the engagement with local communities, the implementation of socio-infrastructure projects and the partnership with local suppliers.

Evidences of this can be found in the first KPO Sustainability Report, recently issued by the company, externally verified and produced using internationally recognised reporting guidelines.

The Report will soon be available on the company website.