AKSAI, West Kazakhstan Oblast,16 September, 2017 –Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) announced today the successful commissioning  of a Sports and Wellness Centre constructed in Aksai as part of the  annual social infrastructure programme.

The official opening ceremony was attended by Altay Kulginov, WKO Akim, Aldiyar Khalelov, Akim of Burlin District, Renato Maroli, KPO General Director, representatives of the construction company and community.

In his address, Renato Maroli, KPO General Director, congratulated all citizens of Aksai with the opening of a new sports facility and noted that the implementation of the project was made possible thanks to the fruitful cooperation and partnership relations between KPO and West-Kazakhstan oblast authorities.

According to Renato Maroli, the inauguration ceremony had been dated to mark two major milestones: the 20th Anniversary of the Final Production Agreement (FPSA) and the 50th Anniversary of Aksai, an administrative centre of Burlin District and capital of the unique Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field.

“We hope that this Sports Complex will be a popular place for health improvement and sports for all residents of Aksai”, noted Renato Maroli.

“Our company is committed to sustainable development and socially responsible partnership, and we strive to achieve new highs to the benefit of the West-Kazakhstan residents and the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole.”

The Sports and Wellness Centre is a three-storey building with a total area of 4.6 hectares located in the central part of  Aksai.

The facility consists of a football field, a grandstand for 1200 seats and a running track, open areas for basketball, volleyball, tennis, shot-put and javelin throwing as well as  a boxing hall placed indoors, etc.  General improvements and tree planting of the territory have also been carried out.

While addressing the audience, Altay Kulginov, Akim of West Kazakhstan Oblast, said: “The Head of the State, Nursultan Nazarbayev, recognizes a critical importance of promotion of healthy lifestyle among the young people and he calls to create all the necessary conditions for both professional sports and active participation in physical education and sport.. For this reason, sports should become a fundamental element of our life and more so for the next generation. Therefore, commissioning of a new Sports Centre today is a landmark event for both professional athletes and sports’ fans alike”.

“I am, sure that Aksai residents will fully appreciate this Sports Centre and certainly more such facilities will be built in the future. We need those as they are meant to both improve one’s health and to educate the future generation”, emphasized Altay Kulginov.

Also, on the eve of the city’s anniversary, several other projects were completed in Aksai as part of KPO’s social infrastructure development programme, namely: the capital repair of roads on Mametova and Zheleznodorozhnaya Streets, and a section of the road leading from Sadovaya Str. to Zapadnaya Str..

About the same time, the phase II of the Right Bank Improvement Project in the municipal park was completed in Uralsk.  

KPO annually implements a large number of social infrastructure projects in West-Kazakhstan Oblast including construction of health, education, culture and sports facilities; only Kazakh contractors are hired to execute the works. The projects are selected and prioritised by WKO authorities. To date , KPO has invested a total of US $318 mln. into the development of social infrastructure in WKO.

The Venture’s contribution to the regional development was appreciated by the Government of Kazakhstan. KPO has been twice awarded The Golden Paryz Award during the National Corporate Social Responsibility Contest. It has also received the Silver Paryz in the “Best Social Project” category.  

For more information please contact:

Sergei Pushkarev: <link>

Gulnara Sharibayeva: <link>

KPO Corporate Affairs Department