KPO completes construction of secondary school in Uralsk

Uralsk, Western Kazakhstan Oblast, 4 December 2012 – Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) has announced that the new Secondary School #37 for 1,200 pupils has successfully opened its doors. It was built by the company as part of the state programme -- “100 schools, 100 hospitals” in Uralsk of the West Kazakhstan Oblast.

KPO’s total investments in this social project were $2.9 million.  The Uralsk Zhaikselstroy construction company was the main contractor.  Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov, administration of the Western Kazakhstan Oblast, representatives of the city  department of Education, KPO management and contractors participated in the opening ceremony.

Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov noted that construction of schools and hospitals was a primary focus of a government policy designed to improve the well-being of Kazakhstan’s people. “I recently visited several European schools and, compared to them, I think  this school is better than many European schools.  These schools will allow in the future to build our work on a world-class level,” Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov added.

“We are glad the children will get a high quality education at such a modern school, construction of which was agreed with the Akimat of the  WKO in compliance with the state program “100 Schools, 100 Hospitals.” – said Christopher Circuit, KPO Services Director.

“Improvements of the  social infrastructure of the oblast  is a vivid example of KPO’ social responsibility. Our cooperation with the local authorities lead to effective use of the Karachaganak potential which in its turn results in positive changes in economic and social spheres of the region”- noted Christopher Circuit.

Three storey building of the school with  a total area  of 15,217.23 thousand square meters is designed for 1,200 pupils. Training block include 48 classrooms, including Information Technology rooms, Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs, an assembly hall, a sports hall, a services block, language laboratories, workshops, a special room for pre-military training including rooms for cleaning and keeping arms inventory.

“The best conditions are made for the pupils in a new school. We hope to get more excellent pupils. It is fantastic that new schools appear everywhere. As our president has noted: “As a rule only educated people will be able to build prosperous Kazakhstan. My colleagues and I are very thankful to oblast administration and KPO management for such a nice gift for us,” - said Zhansuly Toremuratova, Head of the Local Education Department. 

Also there is a library with a reading room for 40 people, medical room, and canteen for 150 people. Children will be educated in the state language. 50 teachers will work on the payroll schedule.

Karachaganak plays an important role in the social, economic and cultural development of the Western Kazakhstan people. A large number of new schools, kindergartens, hospitals, different social amenities and hundreds of kilometres of roads have been constructed as a result of mutual cooperation in the Western Kazakhstan Oblast.

It should be noted that all KPO projects are completed involving Kazakhstani contractors only.

Sergei Pushkarev: <link>

Gulnara Sharibayeva: <link>

KPO External Affairs Department