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1388 results:
Новое поколение (Алматы), № 27 (423), 07.07.2006г. Главный потенциал Карачаганака  /Амина Джалилова/   Не только отечественным предприятиям, но и каждому казахстанцу в отдельности  
662. Construction of Music school in Chingirlau village of Chingirlau district  
2013  Construction of Music school in Chingirlau village of Chingirlau district  Performed by: PC «Era»     Budget: 430 000$  
663. Construction of school for 1200 pupils in Uralsk  
2011-2012  Construction of school for 1200 pupils in Uralsk Performed by: CCF «Zhaikselstroy» LLP Project value: $ 10,300,000  
664. Complete repair of School in Uspenovka village Burlin District  
2011-2012 Complete repair of  School in Uspenovka village Burlin District Performed by: «Remstroybyt» LLP   Budget: 500 000$  
665. Complete repair of School Workshop in Zharsuat village of Burlin District  
2011-2012  Complete repair of School Workshop in Zharsuat village of Burlin District  Performed by: PC «Era» Budget: 130 000$  
666. Complete repair of School in Priuralny village of Burlin District  
2011-2012  Complete repair of School in Priuralny village of Burlin District  Performed by: «Stroitelnaya iniciativa» LLP     Budget: 620 000$  
667. Construction of Music School in Zhympity village of Syrym District  
2011-2012  Construction of Music School in Zhympity village of Syrym District Performed by: «Altair» LLP       Budget: 560 000$  
668. Construction of School for 108 pupils in Ushagash village of Karatobe District  
2011  Construction of School for 108 pupils in Ushagash village of Karatobe District Performed by: «Uralskstroyinvest» LLP Project value: $ 2,650,000  
669. Construction of Secondary School for in Koneketken village of Terekta District  
2011  Construction of Secondary School for in Koneketken village of Terekta District Performed by «Otdelstroy» LLP Project value: $ 2,900,000  
670. Construction of Secondary School for 198 pupils in Aksuat village of Akzhaik District  
2011  Construction of Secondary School for 198 pupils in Aksuat village of Akzhaik District Performed by «Bolashak-Т» LLP Project value: $ 2,900,000  
Search results 661 until 670 of 1388