Context / short description:

Ecomonitor portal is an online Air Monitoring data transmission system, developed by KPO in 2013 as part of the «KPO B.V. EMS Ecological Information Post Creation» project for prompt informing the RSE Kazhydromet on atmospheric air condition in Berezovka village and timely decision-making in event of complaints from the communities.


  • The information system would allow for real time transmission of air monitoring data in tabular and graphical form to the WQO regulatory agencies for further analysis and decision-making;
  • Increasing transparency over KPO production activity and its impact on atmospheric air and improving interaction with regulatory agencies.

Solution / actions:

In 2013, KPO developed the Ecomonitor portal with an online access for WQO Kazhydromet branch to KPO atmospheric air monitoring data from the two environmental monitoring stations EMS-013 and EMS-014, installed in Berezovka village.

In June 2018, KPO established an online transmission of the air quality data to WQO Environment Department from all 18 automatic EMSs, installed both at the SPZ boundary and within the Karachaganak field.

In 2020, as part of the corporate geographic information system (GIS), KPO updated the Ecomonitor portal with a number of new features such as:

  • significantly reduced time for collection and display of monitored data from the EMS;
  • updated mode of atmospheric air quality reporting for the selected period (day, month, year) whereby reports are created much faster;
  • submission of data through an interactive map that visually shows location of the automatic environmental monitoring stations, the Karachaganak Field SPZ boundaries and adjacent inhabited areas;
  • EMS status visualized in real time (normal operation, calibration, power outage, etc.);
  • portal user authentication changed from local to domain such as to improve the protection of the transmitted data.

In December 2020, KPO specialists presented a new version of the Ecomonitor and trained WQO Environment Department employees to operate the portal. Also, authentication data was handed over to the designated staff.


In result of the project implementation, WQO state agencies gained a real-time access to atmospheric air data from the Company EMSs.

The online monitoring data transmission to regulatory agencies contributes KPO’s fulfilling its obligation in the fields of health, safety and environment, including:

  • ensuring environmental safety and minimizing KPO’s impact on human health and the environment;
  • building confidence in KPO environmental data on the part of the regulators.

Taking into account the requirement of the new RoK Environmental Code, for implementation of automated monitoring systems, KPO’s decision to establish an Atmospheric Air Quality Monitoring System within the Karachaganak Field and subsequent data transmission to regulatory agencies was ahead of its time.